How it works

How is generated my artwork?

We use artificial intelligence based on the description you provide to create unique artwork.

Is the artwork unique?

Totally! That your own unique creation : you are the designer of your frame and you can never have the same artwork again.

Which subject / style can be used?

All type of art can be imagined (except nude, terrorism, hate) : Abstract art, Cubism, Expressionism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Geek, Horror, Realist, Portrait, Landscape, Modern, Minimalist, Black & White, Retro, Fantazy… Just provide the description you want and the subject you want inside and let the AI do the rest for you.

Can i reuse my image?

Yes. When you order a product with UrFram, we send you the image via email. You have the 100% rights to reuse them anywhere you want. Plus, if you want to share your creation, please send us your creation at support@urfram.com! We’ll be glad to share it with our community.

What’s about quality and image placement ?

Don’t worry, we review each item before validating the order and send it to production. After you ordering a frame on our website, you receive a customization link and your image. You can then review, resize and edit your design. Feel free to contact us with your order N° if you need help about.

Depending on the image and frame size, it could need an upscale to have the best quality. We do the job for you before send your order to production.


What shipping methods are available?

You can chose between standard, priority and express shipping. Stay informed of all transporters and shipment price for your location in the checkout process.

Do you ship internationally?

Only in UE. Our products are manufactured with Europeean print partners to ensure timely delivery.

How long will it take to get my package?

We review each of your product before validating the order. It can takes 1 business day. the Usually the standard delivery time is between 3 – 5 business days but it will depend of your location and the transporter chosen.


What payment methods are accepted?

You can pay through this web site via credit card (VISA / MASTERCARD) and Paypal.

Is buying online safe?

Yes, we works with WooPayment and Stripe which are highly secured, trusted and popular partners. No card information is stocked on the website. Your payment is securised within HTTPS and 3DS to ensure the security of your information.


How do I track my order?

You can track your order here : https://urfram.com/order-tracking/

How can I return a product?

Please refer to our Return Policy here : https://urfram.com/refund_returns/

Do I need an account to place an order?

No you dont need an account to place an order. We recommand you to do so you can benefit of fastest re-ordre, promo codes and others goodies.

How can I cancel my order?

Please refer to our Return Policy here : https://urfram.com/refund_returns/