Where AI meets art to create uniquely yours.

Dream it. AI creates it. You frame it.

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Unique artworks for a décor that reflects you

We bring personalization and uniqueness to your décor. Every art you create is truly one-of-a-kind. With our AI tool, let your imagination soar: abstract art, street art, portraits, landscapes… Imagine it, and let the AI bring it to life. You’re the artist.

Pierre Viéville - UrFram

Pierre Viéville, founder of UrFram

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collage of cats

Anything on your caveat.

From painting, to collage create your own uniq art poster.

Object floating in a dreamlike landscape, distortion of space, inspiration from Dali. Minimalism

Need inspiration ?

2025 trendy styles and prompts to generate art.

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From the Blog

Our blog is full of inspiration and creative ideas for your living space, take a look at our latest articles. Embellish your next trendy home décor with custom framed artworks which fit well with your setup.

From minimalist style to well-known artists like Picasso or Dali, our IA can generate art the way you like with any subject you want and personnalize your interior with style.

Just try it !

  • Prompts “Minimalist” Artworks
    Minimalist Déco is all about simplicity, clean lines, and functionality. It’s a style that prioritizes open spaces, neutral colors, and a focus on essential pieces. Build Simple and Elegant artworks …
  • Prompts “Nature Déco” Artworks
    Nature Déco brings the outdoors in, creating a serene and harmonious atmosphere. This style celebrates natural elements, earthy tones, and organic shapes. Build Harmonious Blend of Natural Elements artworks frames …